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Kailua Town Coffee Roasters, Community-Driven and Promoting Local

PlanIt Branding was fortunate enough to team up with Patrick from Kailua Town Coffee Roasters because they supply the coffee for one of our other clients, Nalu Health Bar!

Since starting to work with Patrick, I will be the first to admit that I have become a coffee snob.

I have graduated from bulk ground coffee from Costco to whole bean coffee from Costco that I ground each day and put in a French press, to experimenting with pour-overs and only fresh-roasted coffee, to now investing in an entire coffee operation in my kitchen complete with espresso machine, incredible grinder, milk options, local topping options such as cacao nibs and Hawaii honey, and flavor options from Pono Potions! Am I happy with my obsession? Absolutely! It has made having a remote work space so much better!

Who is Kailua Town Coffee Roasters?

Kailua Town Coffee Roasters is a local Oahu roaster that uses beans from Hawaii and countries worldwide. Everything is roasted in 25-pound batches and tested meticulously. In 2023, they launched a new product: chocolate-covered coffee beans, collaborating with Manoa Chocolate Company.

logo for Kailua Town Coffee Roasters

However, this process was bound to happen because, through this working relationship, I developed a more profound love for coffee and an immense appreciation for the subtle differences in beans, roast profiles, and roast strength.

Work we have done for Kailua Town Coffee Roasters

Over the past year, we have created social media posts, reels, stories, and photo and video content for Kailua Town Coffee Roasters. We have also updated the website, helped locate and bring on new clients, promoted new products, and redesigned the logo! We also invited them to take part in the first PlanIt Branding Business clean-up—not to be the last!

What's next with this client?

After conducting an in-depth audit of their website and social media, we created a plan of attack for the social media, marketing, and website going forward. We hope to convert all the packaging to fully sustainable options and create new refillable bulk options for wholesale and local customers. We plan to integrate Kailua Town Coffee Roasters into more events and help them expand their presence in the community.

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