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Professional Photography is a Crucial Component of Impact Marketing

View some of PlanIt Branding's favorite client images

Content Package

It is easy to neglect the carbon footprint affilated with creating content when calculating your brand's environmental impact, but it can actually be quite sizeable.

Dependent on the location of the shoot, the distance the creator and any models must travel, any single use props that are utilized for the shoot, and the distribution of the product to the creators and/or models.

PlanIt Branding has factored in these elements in an effort to decrease your content carbon footprint by utilizing AI, salvaged and reusable materials as backdrops and props. 

Carbon Footprint of Content Creation

It is easy to neglect the carbon footprint affiliated with creating content when calculating your brand's environmental impact, but it can be pretty sizeable.

Depending on the location of the shoot, the distance the creator and any models must travel, any single-use props utilized for the shoot, and the distribution of the product to the creators and models.

PlanIt Branding has factored in these elements to decrease your content carbon footprint by utilizing AI and salvaged and reusable materials as backdrops and props. 

Get the most bang for your buck, receive a variety of content and lower your carbon footprint by booking a photo and video package.

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