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Make Me An Eco Brand

To approach the topic of doing "good" business, the first step is to explain ESG or Environmental Social Governance. In the past, corporations aiming for high employee retention, loyalty, and satisfaction prioritized corporate social responsibility. However, with climate change and its catastrophic effects at the forefront of many of our minds, the environmental component of running a business is now equally on par with the ethics and, in many instances, is mandated.

Welcome to PlanIt Branding! If you're reading this, you have already taken the first and second steps towards change:  admitting that you need to change and committing financial resources and time to implementing a change.

PlanIt Brandings Services

Select the option below that describes you best

I understand that I should make changes to decrease my business's environmental impact and increase our operation standards. I'm ready to explore my options and begin, but I am looking to.

I want to implement changes, but I’m unsure where to begin and feeling overwhelmed. I’d love some guidance to help me with the first steps. I want a team to help me find and communicate a new brand voice to my customers. I’m ready to invest.

I’ve started to make some changes, but I know I can do more. I need help with a full rebrand including my messaging and want to ensure I am not guilty of greenwashing or inaccurately accused of it. I'm committed to the investment.

On the Path to ESG

To understand where you can and must go on your path to ESG implementation, we must start with developing your current business metrics.


The PlanIt team will provide methods for an internal waste audit and dive into the materials you source, your packaging, your production methods, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, diversity and equality, and the carbon footprint affiliated with your brand.  


After a comprehensive analysis, we will discuss the different routes you can pursue and a recommended order of operations. Before beginning your green marketing efforts, you must have a detailed action plan for implementing sustainable business practices.

The Path

Strategic Environmental Marketing Guide

You have some prior knowledge of potential sustainable business practices and are ready to make a plan, which is where we come in. You have an idea of changes you want to make but need help selecting alternative brands. You are ready to start with affordable, simple swaps that result in a sizeable impact. You know it will take time and effort to transform your brand and build a new brand identity and voice, but you want to start the journey with us.


You understand the value of ESG but are unsure how to integrate and implement change to reflect ESG values properly. Working with your budget and capacity as a business, PlanIt Branding can outline your ideas with affiliated costs and a suggested order of operations.  


Eco Friendly and Ethical Brand Reframing

Now that you have begun transforming your business operations and adjusting your brand identity and voice, it's time to quantify and communicate your sustainable business practices. Any business that has decided to invest in a sustainable and ethical path forward must begin by outlining and publicly posting an ethics policy and a statement of sustainable business commitments.  

Once you communicate transparently, PlanIt will help you adjust all aspects of your branding and messaging to reflect your brand's changes and prevent you from being identified as a greenwashing brand. 

PlanIt Branding will push you to be an exemplary brand rather than a part of the pack- this is why you hired us.

Brand Reframe
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