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Creating Conscious Collective


PlanIt Branding


Yoga Under the Palms

are hosting an event in Kaka'ako on June 8! 


Welcome businesses!

We are excited you want to be a vendor in our sustainable event series!

The theme for the first event in the Creating Conscious Collective series is "sustainable fashion." We will explore this theme by having a clothing swap, a local, sustainable vendor pop-up, and a workshop teaching folks how to make minor repairs on their clothes to give them a second life.


Before the event starts, there will be an opening meditation/. During the last hour of the event, there will be a yoga class/workshop.


The swap and pop-up are free to encourage more people to attend, and the workshops will have a fee.

Each vendor is asked to pay a $50 vendor fee and can keep 100% of their profits.

We will market the event through the email lists and social media accounts of both PlanIt Branding and Yoga Under the Palms, and we encourage you to do the same! We will provide all selected vendors with a finalized flyer.

Please keep in mind that we cannot select all applicants for this first event. However, we will offer a few more opportunities this year as the series continues, and we will keep your application on file for future events if we are not selected for this one.


Please apply by filling out the following:

Fill out the following to give us an understanding of you and your brand

Thanks for submitting!
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